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God Is Raising Up a Caleb Company

God has been speaking to me about Covert Kingdom Administration. A while ago, I heard:

"It's time to go covert and administrate in the heavenlies to see change on earth. "

The KJV dictionary defines "covert" as: A covering that serves to conceal or shelter; A wife under the protection of her husband; A defense; Secret or hidden; Under cover, authority, or protection; Not openly practiced or engaged in.

Recently I heard:

"In this season, I am raising up a Caleb Company. Representatives of the tribe of Judah who are faithful and wholly devoted to Me. Those who will spy out the land, inquire of Me concerning what they see, receive the counsel of Heaven, stand on My promises, and courageously drive out the giants in the spiritual and natural realms".

After I heard this, I had a short vision of small regional teams administrating the Kingdom of God individually from their homes, inquiring of God, receiving from Him and the counsel of Heaven. Then as a group, they would come together to discern and judge what they received. They would then administrate the Kingdom by praying and proclaiming God's will into the earth as a targeted assignment individually at home. If required, the word of the Lord would be released to the Body of Christ to carry out God's will.

The covert part of this vision is that individuals went to their prayer closets to hear and proclaim rather than publicly or corporately. The scripture that came to mind was Jesus teaching the disciples to pray.

"And when you pray, you shall not be like the hypocrites. For they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men. Assuredly, I say to you, they have their reward. "But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (Matthew 6:5-6 NKJV)

What would a Caleb Company look like? Basically, it is what I saw in the vision. But to know more, we need to take a look at Caleb.

Caleb and Joshua were two of the twelve that Moses sent to spy out the promised land. Ten spies came back with a bad report, but Joshua and Caleb gave a good report. The spies and the people who believed the bad report were not allowed to enter into the promised land, but God allowed Caleb and Joshua to go, stating that Caleb had a "different spirit." Some translations say "a different attitude."

"But My servant Caleb, because he has a different spirit in him and has followed Me fully, I will bring into the land where he went, and his descendants shall inherit it. (Num 14:24 NKJV)

What was Caleb's "different spirit"?

  • He was a Different Servant - He served the Lord and stood up with a truthful message despite his peers or what the majority was saying

  • He had a Different Vision - He compared the problem with God's promise, not with himself or man

  • He Aligned with a Different Majority - He stood with God's word and the counsel of Heaven

  • He Had a Different Persuasion - He was not affected by the complaining and grumbling of the people; He had faith and courage

  • He Had a Different Energy - He was always ready and eager, even in old age; He always remembered and relied on God's strength

Caleb proclaimed that God promised to give them the land and that they were well able to take it from the giants because God was with them. Caleb waited 45 years to enter the promised land because of the people's unbelief. He was 85 years old, but God kept him strong. Caleb asked for the land of Hebron, he received it, drove out the Canaanites, and the land had rest from war (Joshua 14:15).

So, what would a Caleb Company look like? Small regional groups of saints with a different spirit, who are friends of God and practice the more excellent way of sitting at His feet to see and hear His will. They inquire of the Lord day and night to know the times and seasons and what to do. They steward the word of the Lord and report to the people so they can carry out God's will for a particular season. They are a company of people who have God's perspective by remaining in His presence and inquiring of Him. Rather than compare themselves to the problem, they compare the problem to God's promises, then call forth those promises in prayer and proclamation.

Covert Kingdom Administration is being in God's presence, seeking the counsel of Heaven, stewarding the word of the Lord, and administering His will with prayer and proclamation in the spiritual, as well as proclamation and action in the natural.

I believe that God is revealing his plan for a Caleb Company because communication with and faith in God is much needed in these difficult times. God also wants us to work with one another (like a company) to seek, hear, and obey his instructions.

Is God calling you to be a part of His Caleb Company?



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