“To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:” – Ecclesiastes 3:1 KJV
Are you moved by the Holy Spirit or struggling to keep control for yourself? Is the whirlwind of change swirling around you? Is God trying to change the direction of something in your life? Or perhaps He is trying to get you to simply trust Him, put your back to the wind, and let Him direct you in faith?
This season is one of many changes, and we are going to see these changes in the near future. A lot of people don’t like change, but we need to learn to embrace change.
In my own life, I have had a multitude of changes. It doesn’t look too good on a resume, and at first glance, it would look like I was unstable. But the military requires a lot of moving and changing jobs. I have also lost everything several times due to a flood, hurricane, recession, and other things beyond my control. Each time I had to start over from scratch. But God was always with me, and He helped me to understand that He was teaching me to embrace change and learn to love change.
Change teaches us not to fear the unknown, allowing us the freedom to step out in faith more easily. Change teaches us to interact with all kinds of people in all sorts of places and situations. Change teaches through diverse life experiences and expands our understanding by forcing us to learn new things. Change is a good thing!
As human beings, we like to get comfortable in a routine so that we know what to expect. We work hard to get ourselves to a place where we are satisfied. The danger is that when we get our lives set up the way we want, we can become complacent.
To be complacent is to be “Uncritically satisfied with oneself or one’s actions; not looking to improve.” (Web Word Dictionary)
Just as there are changes in times and seasons in the natural and spiritual, there also needs to be changes in us personally. If we are not changing, then we are not growing.
Transformation requires change.
It is essential for us to embrace and love change so that we can be transformed into the image of Christ.
Asking God to search our hearts is the first step to change.
The second is repentance, asking God’s forgiveness for the things that need change.
The third is obeying the Lord in changing the things He shows us to change.
In addition to personal change, if we are not aware of what God is doing, we could miss our opportunity to co-labor with Him. At this time and season, God is bringing changes to many things and people.
Are we willing to go whenever and wherever God wants us to go? Even if it requires giving up everything we have built for ourselves or moving away from what is familiar? We should desire to follow God and His will for this time and times to come, which may require a move away from what is familiar and comfortable.
To move forward with God, we must change to what God is doing in a particular season. Only He knows what needs to change in each of us individually and corporately and if it is to be accomplished where we are or in a new place.
"An immature Christian will cherish something beyond its time. A mature Christian will be joyful over change because it is according to God’s will. A mature Christian knows God never brings us down—no matter how it looks on the outside. He always brings those who love and serve Him up to a better place”. – Roberts Lairdon – “Spiritual Timing – Discerning Seasons of Change in the Realm of the Spirit”
Change is a good thing! Learn to embrace and love change.
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